Why do we ignore the 'instinctual' faith that we are born with?

Our faith was absolute from the moment of our birth. Our faith in Divine providence was purely instinctual due to our situation of utter and complete helplessness. We were totally dependent on the person who conducted the birthing procedure and on our mother for our sustenance and ongoing care. As our brain became coherent and we were able to distinguish differences in the physical features and voices, we transferred our faith to those most familiar faces and voices. Our most common means of communication was our ability to cry. Whether we were hungry, tired, uncomfortable, sick, or in pain, we cried, with the absolute certainty that our 'problem' would be taken care of.

This absolute faith remained with us throughout our infancy and was largely without evaluation or prejudice. As our cognitive powers developed we began to be more discerning in whom we placed our faith. This was the beginning of the end of our instinctual faith. Our instinctual faith was based purely on survival, whereas our conscious faith was based more on our 'wants' than our 'needs'.

With the advent of our ability to judge and comprehend, we began to shift our faith to ourselves, gradually at first though steadily increasing as our intellectual independence grew. However, the learning process is fraught with failures from which we were meant to learn and move on, "picking ourselves up and dusting our knees" so to speak. These lessons, disguised though they were as failures, tended to shake our 'faith' in ourselves. Besides, we were able to recognize the failures in those whom we had reposed our faith, viz. our parents and teachers. This 'shaking' of our faith gives birth to our lifelong companions, ie: stress and insecurity.

Instead of shriving off this dependence on our mind, we allow ourselves to be further beguiled into the arms of the 'Gods' of logic and science, both nothing but the malformed offspring of the mind. For what are logic and science but the tools that the mind uses in it's feeble attempt to understand the mysteries and wonders of an all-encompassing Universe. The tragedy herein is that though we possess the wherewithal to go through our lives without our wretched companions stress and insecurity, we choose to ignore that silent being … Our Spirit!

Go with the flow…Go With The Spirit!!